Friday, October 03, 2008

Legacies - the present perfect (in prep.)


Give examples of legacies and heritage; that is, something that is carried from the past into the present.


Heritage: something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor, inheritance, legacy, tradition

  • Personal heritage and legacies – material things: heirlooms, inheritance; something transmitted to us from ancestors.

  • Historic legacies – in education, health, medicine, science

Science and arts division comes from Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Discours de la Methode (1637) – the extended and unextended = qualitative and quantitative

  • Evolutionary legacies – human evolution – ways of thinking, behaviour, morphology. what has evolutionary history given to us?

  • How has it influenced our way of thinking and feeling?

  • You can see by observing whales that they have evolved from land mammals; for example', the undulating spine during locomotion reveals that they have evolved from four legged chordates.
Video: The mammalian ancestors of whales

PBS Whale Evolution

1)What is the definition of mammals?
2)What was Gingriches first amazing discovery?
3)What was the Sahara Desert like 40 million years ago?
4)What is a Basilosaurus?
5)What was Gingriches second amazing find?
6)What was Synonyx?
7)Name the transitional forms of whales from Synonyx.
8)The transitional forms of whales show a migration of _______ to the top of the head.
9)What is the significance of the way a whale swims?

Answers to come...

Biophilia – love of observing nature comes from hunting instinct -survival instinct – fear of snakes and spiders

  • Political legacies
The legacy of G.W.Bush. What has Bush given us, or transmitted to us?

  • Cultural legacies

French traditions, ways of thinking, mannerisms -way of running, walking

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